Monday, March 16, 2009


For some crazy reason, it was snowing that morning, but got up to 50 something later that day.

I hadn't worked with Ashley since Nov 07, when she left Oklahoma, went to LA & signed with Ford.
She came back for spring break! yay! :)

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Shooting an old favorite this weekend :) What to do, what to do...

Saturday, March 7, 2009

Every now and then, I get stuff done.

With a tiny bit of planning, I can actually do what I plan, lol.

Went to Dallas, shot 3 awesome people....


I'm pretty sure I've wanted to shoot her since, ummm, 2006, I guess that wasn't that long ago, but it seem like years, I wanted to say it was 2003.
But anyhooo, Veda is awesomness.

Then I shot Jenn, for a 3rd? time. It was pretty late, so I didn't have much time at all, but I managed to get a few shots in.

Next day, it was kinda up in the air who I was shooting, it was an option of 3 people, but
it ended up being Tara
I could have stayed longer, but I was tired, and getting sunburned, lol. And I'm not a fan of the sun at all.

The weather that day was what the forecast said the previous day was supposed to be. So they came out pretty with much crisper colors.